We have our first PowerShell module for BlueSky now and created by non other than Jeff Hicks! Isn’t nice to be able to work with a platform that you don’t have to pay extra to integrate and automate with? Jeff is looking for feedback and contributors, so please take a look, download it, and play with it so we can make it better for everyone. Are you on BlueSky yet, or been on recently? It looks a lot different than a few weeks ago. Hope to see you there.
Also would love to hear what you have planned for automation. I’ll have another post in the near future to help newer people to BlueSky too. If you follow me on BlueSky you’ll see a bunch of posts of shared from others with helpful tips as well.
PowerShell Gallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSBlueSky/1.1.0
GitHub: https://github.com/jdhitsolutions/PSBluesky
Have a great day!
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