The time has finally come. I have created a public repository to store custom Maester tests for everyone. As well as a website for deeper understanding where needed. I haven’t seen anyone else do it yet, and worse case scenario, people can just use the ones that I create, but I envision others adding theirs to this too. Yes, you will have to create the function, test, and the markdown file (I and/or others can help), so that we can have a collection of tests that anyone can pick and choose which ones they want to add to their Maester and customize it to their needs. They don’t need to be 365 related either, as they could be checks for Windows 11 settings, server configs, or check that a certain OU should only has these mentioned users or computers and to make sure that doesn’t change.
This is still in its early stages and would love any feedback to make it better while still showing that it is a companion to Maester. I wanted to get the framework started to that we can start gaining the benefits from the repository while still making it easy to use.
I hope you are excited about this as I am, and we can create a large community collection of tests.
Please star and share the repo. Open issues for tests that you want to see and if you already have one or can make it, put that in the issue. Let’s make all our IT lives easier and safer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you find value in this and can share your knowledge as well.

I’m also working on a module for the Entra attribute fields that will fix any issues by either manually typing in the correct value or only allow company standard values.
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