Happy to announce the release of V2.2.0. Going forward I’ll post release updates here as well as on GitHub.
New Features:
New-CT365Teams: Updated to include Teams, Channels, and their owners. Currently it is set for the same owner for all, but will be updating it in the future. If you would like to see that sooner than later, please open an issue on GitHub.
Verify-CT365TeamsCreation: this is a private function to confirm that the Teams team was created successfully.
Breaking Changes:
None – There are no breaking changes in this update
How to use:
New-CT365Teams -FilePath “C:\Scripts\TeamsData.xlsx” -AdminUrl “testenv.sharepoint.com” -DefaultOwnerUPN “admin@testenv.com
This will create all Teams, Teams’ Channels, and set the owner to admin@testenv.com in the TeamsData.xlsx file under the worksheet name “Teams”. You can add more channels if needed if you follow the template and increase the channel number. For example, to add a Third channel, you would add 3 new columns, the first Channel3Name, the second Channel3Description, and the third Channel3Type with there correct value.
How to install:
# Run first if you need to set Execution Policy
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
# Install 365AutomatedLab
Install-Module -Name 365AutomatedLab -Scope CurrentUser
Check out the GitHub Repo: 365AutomatedLab
If you have any questions, concerns, or feature requests, feel free to reach out to me and/or create a GitHub issue. I’m always looking for feedback on how I can improve this module to make it even more useful for you.