Hope all of my US friends had a good holiday! Now it’s Monday and we are back for another Module Monday. This is an important one, as it Is currently replacing a couple other modules as they are being depreciated. The 2 that are being depreciated are AzureAD and MSOnline if you didn’t know already. I’d check your scripts if you are still using them and convert them sooner than later.
So what is replacing these 2 modules? MS Graph, which doesn’t completely replace all the functionality as easily as we would like, but Microsoft is adding more features to it. This is how you will get license counts, Azure AD information, Teams, Exchange, Outlook, and any other 365 applications.
Also a great thing with Microsoft Graph is that it is cross-platform on PowerShell 7 and above so it doesn’t matter if you are using macOS, Linux, or Windows. You can still use it on Windows PowerShell 5.1 too.
PowerShell Gallery:
Microsoft Documentation:
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