It’s Module Monday…
Although this module could be on Read-Only Friday, I wanted to show you that not all modules change your environment, and they can be extremely helpful getting information for you so you don’t have to create it or yourself. And with it being Cyber Security Month, why not have an easy way to find changes in your Active Directory.
With that said, today’s module is Jeff Hicks ADReportingTools, which I think the name is pretty obvious of what it does, but definitely check out the GitHub for all the reporting it can do. Here are a few of my favorites.
- Get-ADDomainControllerHealth – this checks storage space, physical memory, % of security log in use, and critical services not running
- Get-ADUserAudit – which will search the event logs on your domain controller for that specific user events
- Get-ADGroupUser – which will display all users in that defined group and who any disabled users in red
- Get-ADSiteSummary – shows a quick view of your sites and subnets
- Show-DomainTree – this will show your domain in a tree view in your console
- New-ADDomainReport – I really like this one, it shows you a nice html formatted report of your domain
Hope you take a look at it and if you see any features you’d like, let Jeff know.
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